Wednesday, March 24, 2010

America's Official Descent into Socialism

The following is a synopsis I compiled detailing the recent passage of the Health Care Bill.

1) Obama’s agenda
a) The Health Care Bill has been President Obama’s main issue that he has pushed during the first year of his administration. He has devoted countless hours to speeches pushing support of the issue and encouraging congressmen to support it.

2) Abortion Clause & Democrat Congressmen’s Dilemma
a) Many Democrat Senators held off on their commitment to vote for the bill because they did not feel that it sufficiently fit their agenda. In some cases they wanted even stronger federal empowerment to be enforced by the bill, or various issues that were important to them to be addressed by the bill.
b) Other Democrat Senators held off their support because they opposed the clause that contained the ability to fund abortions with tax-payer dollars. However, as was visible when it came down to the final vote, Stupak and his fellow “pro-life” Representatives are no more pro-life than their other Democrat colleagues.
c) They immediately cast their support for the bill as soon as Obama issued an executive order which stated that no abortion would be funded. However, this executive order means nothing more than as if he’d written a statement on his executive desk; it is not legally binding whatsoever and will NOT override a law passed by Congress and signed by the president. The executive order will by no means prevent the harm caused by the abortion clause.
d) These “pro-life” Democrat Senators only claimed to be pro-life so as to keep their pro-life constituents happy. Now they can say that they supported the bill only because they were under the impression that it would not fund abortion.
e) The passage and implementation of this bill will commence the greatest increase of abortions in America since Roe v. Wade.

3) Exorbitant Federal Spending Will Increase
a) The Congressional Budget Office has configured that the ten year cost of implementing this new Health Care coverage will be $940 billion, once again proving that it is NOT free health care; Americans will pay for it.
b) This is tragic as our country is already $12 trillion plus in debt.

3) Increased Taxes
a) America will pay for this via exorbitant taxes. Those whose taxes don’t increase will feel the impact by the likely effect of lowered wages or even losing their jobs. Businesses simply cannot afford to bear up under the cost of the taxes that will be imposed on them while maintaining the same level of treatment for their employees.

5) Government Control—America’s Descent into Socialism
a) Once this Health Care Bill has been implemented, the government will have the control to choose which doctors should work where and in what department, essentially forcing many good doctors out of the industry due to such coercive actions as being forced to work in locations away from their families. This will, of course, create a shortage of good doctors and so naturally the quality of health care will drastically decrease.

6) The Bill is NOT Free and Will NOT Provide Health Care for All
a) The government will also be making the decisions about who can receive the health care, what kind of care they can receive and when they can receive it. If you read the 2,000 page bill you will see that this care will often marginalize the elderly, disabled and young.
b) In countries, such as Canada, that enforce a government controlled Health Care system, people are occasionally forced to wait for months and months to have an immediately necessary operation or surgery performed. In some cases, this forces many lower income individuals to choose between living with serious health issues, or even death in the worst cases, or going tens of thousands of dollars into debt in order to receive health care from a private service outside the country.
c) Whenever the government takes control of a public service the end result is always the same. Take the Post Office or Education for example; the employees are paid less and placed in coercive situations many times, and since the treatment of the employees and the treatment of the recipients of the service is all administered from a top down, impersonal source with ultimate power, the quality of service received by those under the system drastically decreases.
d) For example, when the health care system that just passed is implemented, the government will have control over which doctors and nurses can work where and what they will do and how they will do it. Suppose that I am the government and you are Angela, a brain surgeon. According to my charts we need 5 more brain surgeons in Manhattan and I'm picking you, a Virginia resident, as one of them. Oh, you're getting married in 7 months in a local venue and you can't make the move? You have deep family and lifestyle ties to that part of the country? Tough luck! I'm your boss and I will fire you if you don't. My job security depends on how effectively I'm able to administer the proportional distribution of doctors and nurses, so I have no sympathy for you. Oh you're quitting? Well, join the hundreds of other experienced and talented professionals in your field who have quit. We'll just hire less experienced individuals who are willing to receive less pay in your place. True, it's been a challenge finding people who actually want to enter your occupational field, but hey, Socialized medicine is worth it. :) Sure your mom may have died of cancer last year because her doctor sent her away repeatedly, giving her nothing but pain pills and telling her that nothing was wrong. (true story, I've spoken with her cousin in DC--Canadian situation) Your wife had to fly 3 hours to deliver her baby because no doctor was available at that time in your location. But, what about all of the poor people who can't afford health care? This is what we designed this for right? Listen to how beneficial it has been for them. :) Oh wait, I forgot that your newly married, struggling brother and his wife brought their daughter in to the doctor and were placed on a 4 month waiting list to meet with a specialist regarding her illness, which turned out to be terminal. Her life WOULD have been saved if she'd received treatment 2 months earlier, but again, please, stop complaining. Take one for the team. Their neighbors with more money could have afforded to get private care, JUST BARELY, they would have gone bankrupt, but they would have done it. They would have had to fly out of the country and to have the testing and procedures done. Just like in Canada, it is against the law to receive private care from within the country. Adding thousands of dollars in plane tickets and hotel costs to the already 10s of thousands of dollars that you have to pay for the actual procedure.

7) Conclusion
a) In conclusion, this bill would essentially institute a Socialist-oriented, government controlled, inefficient, wasteful system of health care in the United States that would increase the already-exorbitant taxes that Americans are required to pay.
b) It will hurt everyone who holds a job by imposing horrendous taxes. Those whose taxes don't increase will be probably have either their wages decreased because their employers can’t afford to pay them as much due to the severe taxes they will be subjected to, or, they may be laid off because their employers simply can’t afford to pay them anymore.
c) It will further bankrupt $12 trillion in-debt country.
d) People who don't make much money will, in some cases, be forced to live with serious health issues, go in irrecoverable debt, or die.

Welcome to the Socialist States of America.

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