1) Moral decline: Any country that has murdered 50,000,000 of its babies is headed for trouble. A woman has the right to do what she wants with her body, but when there is another human being in her body, she does not have the right to destroy its life. Interestingly enough, the woman who received an abortion and was used as a pro-abortion example in the original Roe vs. Wade case, has since come to deeply regret her abortion and her involvement in that case and is now a very strong human rights advocate against abortion because she feels like she has the blood of 50,000,000 babies on her hands. I look forward to meeting her in the upcoming week as she is visiting my university for "Pro-Life Week" and I will be attending a luncheon with her, the Chancellor and his wife, a few of my student government classmates and some politicians. I could give countless other examples of the ways in which America is steadily spiraling downwards morally, but I think they are fairly obvious to anyone who still believes that there are such things as evil and morals and has not succumbed to the lies of moral relativity and no absolutes that are so prevalent in our classrooms and are propagated through the media.
2) Economic irresponsibility/government control: As an example of the fiscal irresponsibility of our government, we are currently 11 trillion dollars in debt. That means that you and I and our peers and our children and grandchildren already have an outrageous amount of debt on our hands that we will be required to pay back to the government through taxes. The government relentlessly continues to tax more and more, but the services we are receiving are inefficient, wasteful, self-destructive and unevenly distributed. The latest example is the proposed National Health Care bill. This bill is 400 pages long and unfortunately, most of the senators haven't even read it. It contains the ability for our tax payer dollars to fund abortions. This ability can be ascertained if you read between the lines, because although the word "abortion" is never used, there are other ways to subtly indicate it. This health care plan is a Socialist program, but they pass it off as being "free health care for everyone". Of course I would support free health care for everyone if it were possible for such a program to exist, but the problem is that such an existence is impossible. It is neither free and nor is it for everyone.
Perhaps we should take a look at the countries that already have similar national health care programs and investigate the results. Canada's program gives unlimited power to the government to make decisions about what doctors can do and where they can work as well as making decisions about what kind of medical attention patients can receive and how long they have to wait for it. They force doctors to work wherever they want them to regardless of where their families live and where the doctors prefer to work. Hence, the doctors hate the system and so there are fewer and less experienced and less educated doctors available to offer patients quality service.
Another significant downfall of this system is that patients often have to wait for months to receive operations that are needed immediately. I have met people who have lost family members to death because of this inefficiency. I met a woman in D.C. whose Canadian cousin repeatedly visited the doctor because she was not feeling well and was clearly jaundiced in the eyes. However, her doctor told her that she had nothing to worry about and sent her home with some pain pills. Eventually the woman died of the cancer that the doctor didn't have the intelligence to ascertain that she had, or quite possibly he was just so overworked because there are so few doctors anymore due to how unfairly they're treated through the system that he just didn't have time to see her and sent her away even though he knew that she had a serious affliction.
Sometimes it is necessary for women to fly for hours while in labor to reach a hospital where there is a doctor available to deliver their baby. Also, people with immediate, emergency health issues are put on month long waiting lists. Just because you are guaranteed a spot on a waiting list does not mean that you are guaranteed quality, free health care.
Although from a financial/tax-based standpoint this system hurts those who make more money the most because it takes a large portion of their income to fund health care for an entire society, in reality it hurts the lesser income individuals even more. Instead of taking an exorbitant amount of money out of their pockets, it takes their well-being and/or lives in some cases. People with money can afford (well not really, but when the only other option is death they have little choice) to go have a $50,000 operation done by a private health care service or travel to a different country to have it done, but the poorer people can't, and so their only option in some cases is serious permanent health damage and sometimes death. Ironically, the Prime Minister of Canada actually came to the US to have his heart surgery performed because he doesn't trust the Canadian system; this happens frequently among Canadians. Sadly, America has strayed from a limited government, free enterprise society that bases its principles off of the Constitution to a more socialized, government controlled society.
For more info on Socialism you can visit this link where I posted more information about it: http://questfreedomjustice.blogspot.com/2009_08_01_archive.html
3) Infringement of constitutional rights: This is exemplified by the sentiments of recently appointed Chief Justice Sotomayer in her statement declaring that judges should be able to interpret the court cases based off of our own personal beliefs and preferences as opposed to basing them off of the principles and rights laid out in the Constitution. An example of a serious breach of 1st amendment rights can be found in this link which i posted earlier this year. It is an example of how a woman's freedom of speech was violated. The Liberals in America have progressively become more and more oppressive towards any who disagree with them, and they hide this suppression under the names of "tolerance," "diversity," "moral equivalence" etc.
God help our country. However, America has rejected Him so completely that the damage may be irreversible unless our nation turns its heart back to God and returns to the Biblical values that our Constitution was founded on. You can lead a blind horse to water but you can't make it drink.
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