Dr. Ledeen is a brilliant scholar and has been studying the situation in the Middle East (particularly Iran) for decades. He is the Freedom Scholar at the FDD, a contributing editor at National Review Online, and a regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal. He previously served as a consultant to the National Security Council, the State Department, and the Defense Department. He was also a friend and adviser to President Ronald Reagan and served as a special adviser to the Secretary of State. He holds a Ph.D. in modern European history and philosophy from the University of Wisconsin, and has taught at Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Rome.
With this wealth of experience and knowledge, he has written over twenty books which deal primarily with the foreign policy and defense of the United States. I finished reading his latest book on Iran right before I attended the event and was very impressed with the depth of his perceptive observations, his analytical policies and tactics and the breadth of his historical and political knowledge.
In the video that I posted below you will hear some of the points that Dr. Ledeen made during his brief speech at the event. He discusses the fact that, contrary to popular opinion, we are not all "basically good," but many on this planet are incredibly evil. Unfortunately these evil people have an agenda; in the case of the Islamic Regime in Iran that agenda is to eliminate Israel and America and to continue brutally oppressing their own people in a totalitarian dictatorship style mullahcrocy.
In brief, Dr. Ledeen's battle plan to counter-act that agenda is to take a strong stand in support of the Iranian dissidents as they struggle to topple the regime, strengthen the people technologically in order to achieve more efficient and effective communication among the dissidents, incorporate strategic policies designed to weaken the regime financially and militarily and to "destroy the assembly sites for the weapons Iran is providing to the Taliban, Mahdi Army, and al-Qaeda."
Clearly, the approach that the Obama administration is taking is tremendously counter-productive to a successful victory against the regime. One of Dr. Ledeen's fellow contributors to the National Review Online, Mona Charen, says, "The Obama administration, seasoning its approach with fawning genuflections, is taking accommodation to a new level — a fact that is not lost on the Iranian people who chant, 'Obama. Obama. Either you’re with us or you’re with them,' as they dodge the batons and bullets of the Basij militia."
The good news is that the regime suffered a tremendous blow this summer as the whole world witnessed the obvious inequitable results of the sham "election" and the regime's brutal attacks on its own people. As evidenced by their paranoid words and actions, the regime is visibly anxious and apprehensive about the survival of their tyrannical rule. They are losing the battle against the courageous and brave people of Iran and are growing weaker by the moment. I hope and pray with all my heart that the evil regime will topple soon.
seems like a great event